Tuesday, August 17, 2010

does this blog make my ass look big?

Greetings and Salutations...

So people have been telling me forever to start a blog..and I was like I really hate that word Blog..it sounds ugly therefore I will stay away from it.

Actually however I am extremely competitive and by bestie Alisa just started one, so I am never one to be the underdog and have launched my own. Take that gurlieeee...JK!

So lets see whats on my agenda today??.well first of all I will tell you it is Breakfast(the most essential meal of the day). I however just started to get up before noon..so breakfast foods in my kitchen seem to be at a deficit right now. I did however manage to scramble up some leftover sushi and a half of red bull....which ironically has given me enough energy to text message all the people in my life I would rather not, because Red bull just kind of does that to you!

So I tried to go to bed at a decent hour lastnight, but let me tell you I just got done breaking up with somebody and it doesn't exactly make for sweet dreams. Ya...I don't know wether to feel elated or let down being that I have never had my heart broken before..or lets just say scooped out of my chest with a melon baller, but needless to say it sucks. I do however kindof feel like I have taken this giant stick out of my skinny white ass..and that I must say feels better. I could just stay home and say screw this man...lets grow a unibrow and eat my weight in fried cheese..but that just aint the way I roll. Instead I put on my prettiest face and went out solo mind you to meet some friends..all male(which tickles a broken ego) and had a great time. Go figure I actually met some decent males over the age of 30 who didn't act like they were under the age of 10.

Opportunity is a wonderful thing..sometimes it knocks on the door and sometimes it just kindof breaks it down and holds you for ransom..I will take either!

So that Darlings it's whats on the Breakfast table today..do with  it what you like!


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