Wednesday, August 18, 2010

You are not what you eat..if so then I would be a giant Gummi Bear! a good friend of mine just texted me she feels like a giant lump of "cottage cheese".
Cottage Cheese??..really??...hmmm?? Ok first of all if you are gonna be a food, at least make it a good one. Do not make it a curdled dairy product..I mean if your gonna compare, be a giant sized cup of "Chunky Monkey" still have the "I feel fat theme" going on, but at least it's with your friends Ben and Jerry.

Gurlliess Stop it!! We are so much better then walking around thinking this way! Where do we get these thoughts that our bodies are suddenly morphing into bumpy milk? I mean I remember watching that scene in "Willy Wonka" where the chick turns into a giant Blueberry and they like roll her home..I am thinking OMG..thats gonna so fuck with her body image. She's gonna be in therapy for the rest of her life..thanks Wonka!

I myself have fallen victim to the body bashing..hmmmm??..ya just a bit. I have compared my thighs to ham hocks, my breasts to kiwi fruit, and my ass to a giant bowl of cherry jello. I think all of us gurls, should just get together and form one big Smorgasboard!! Please pass the dumplings, and could I have a bit of your chicken fat ass??

You know I figured out a long time ago, that if you sit in front of a white wall for 20 years and tell yourself that it is actually "hot pink" at the end of those 20 years that white wall is gonna be nothing but "hot pink"

We will sit and spend hours and hours looking at ourselves and then obssessing on the negative, then you know what??.. pretty soon our thighs actually start to resemble smoked meat products, and our ass does turn into chocolate pudding.

My point is...this is not productive! We have to sit around and think of what we offer to this world, what we contribute to it, and how people are drawn to us because of what we represent, not because we look a certain way!

Most of the day other people are thinking about other things..they are thinking about work, the kids, finances, baseball, friggin going home and playing with their dogs. This is what life is about..not sitting around feeling sorry for ourselves cuz we hate our bodies!

Can we start for once to look in the mirror and appreciate all the good things about ourselves..the fact that we have two legs that enable us to walk, to run, to dance. Our smiles, our belly-buttons, our adorable toes?

I am all about feeling good about myself..but I don't focus on all that negative crap anymoreee!! I wasted 17 years of my effing life giving energy to what I looked like, what other people wanted me to look like, and you know what at the end of it all, I was one tired hot mess..kindof like a giant plate of chopped suey!!..ya real pretty!

I don't care if you don't believe it now, but if you act like you love yourself and project good energy and confidence, people are gonna think you are the shit!

Nobody wants to be around sorry..they want to be and light, and all that is Fabulous!!

Life is always gonna be full of ups and downs..but we have to stop taking it out on our bodies!

The next time you find yourself comparing your body to some super-models, or negating energy on your not so great features..stop yourself immedietly... I want you to then think of a time where you really felt great about yourself..where you felt Beautiful..inside and out.
Maybe it was your wedding day, or the day you had a child, or your 6th grade ballet recital.  Come on..think..think ..think.!! When you get that image I want you to tatoo it into your Psyche along with the feeling it gave you in your heart! Take that with you when you feel bad..and divert your energy into doing productive things in life with productive people!

Enjoy your life darlings..go for nice walks, eat juicy apples, paint your toes red, and put on some Rock and Roll!

Life's a journey. you.may not know where you are going, but it's always gonna take you to someplace you have never been!

Love yourselves today...and remember we are not what we Eat!!..not even close!!
Miss Meliss


  1. awesome. you tell it like it is! you have such an amazing talent for writing!!

  2. Awesome Melissa,

    We walk the talk and you are so right about the postive thinking. That has help me tremdously with everything difficult that comes to my path.
    As far as body image, yes, unfortunately us women do this to ourselves without realizing it "I feel fat" and " I am wrinkled and old".

    I like the good pointers, to think back of those good things that made us feel real good.
    "tatoo" it in our mind. Yes this does help.

    Thank you !! Awesome writing..
    Irma Jeannette
